Credits and Billing
You can earn a full semester's worth of credits from Colby-Sawyer during the fall and spring semesters:
12 credits for the internship
3 credits each for the Core Course and Internship Seminar
During the summer, Colby-Sawyer students can earn up to 9 credits for the internship, and 3 credits each for the Core Course and Internship Seminar
You pay what you normally pay to attend Colby-Sawyer to participate in our program during the fall and spring semesters: your financial aid travels with you to DC.
During the summer, you pay our program and housing fees directly to us, while earning Colby-Sawyer credits.
Consult with your faculty adviser and Colby-Sawyer staff to determine your credit and billing arrangements.
Application Process
Apply through the Colby-Sawyer internal application process through the Harrington Center; log on to myHarringtonCenter to access the application.
Apply online through our online application system.
Campus Contact
Noelle Bassi, Assistant Director of Harrington Center,, (603) 526-3766
Where Colby-Sawyer Students Have Interned
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
DC Witness
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial
International Child Art Foundation
NAACP - DC Branch
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
Youth Service America
See other examples of where students have recently interned.