"Hi everyone! My name is Kate Mitchell and I am a junior at Cazenovia College located in Central New York. My time in D.C. through the Washington Internship Institute is more than halfway over! Time really does fly while you're here. I wanted to share a few of the things that I have learned here in the District-- things that have helped shape me as a young professional and as a person.
- You do not have to be a Law/Political Science major to thrive in D.C. As a Human Services major, I thought I would feel out of place. I was wrong! I am interning at a non-profit dance organization and I absolutely love it. There is a niche for everyone here, no matter what your focus.
- Take every opportunity you can! I have been able to attend various events, ranging from political discussions to art galas. In fact, last night I attended a work event that featured a Hip-Hop group from Iraq. If anything sounds even a tiny bit interesting to you, go do it! You never know what you'll learn from these events-- or who you'll meet!
- The road to success is not straight and narrow. It is so easy to get on a track and stay there because it's easy and reliable. I am learning to apply the chaos theory to my personal goals. Not everything will go as expected and "plans" sometimes fall through. There are many avenues to take to get to your final destination, and you just have to be willing to take a leap of faith and explore them.
I love being here in D.C. I already feel as if I have a deeper understanding of myself and how to get what I want out of life. I am excited to see what the next 2 months bring!"