Joey Cannata’s Spring 2022 Internship on Capitol Hill

Joey Cannata, a senior studying Accounting and Politics at Fairfield University, spent the Spring 2022 semester interning for Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04), where he got to assist with legislative research, interact with constituents, and give tours of the Capitol Building.

My name is Joey Cannata, I am a Senior at Fairfield University studying Accounting and Politics. I participated in the Spring 2022 semester program at the Washington Internship Institute where I interned for Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04). The primary job of a congressional office is to represent the constituents that it serves. For me, that entailed daily communications with individuals and organizations within our district on varying topic points. My time would also be spent on foreign affairs legislative research, committee hearings, and Capitol tours.

During my experience interning on the Hill, I was exposed to an abundance of information and influence, both good and bad, which made way for extreme growth. To add perspective, I could confidently make the argument claiming I learned more from my three months in DC than throughout my 3 years in college! Additionally, this experience allowed me to see a glimpse of post-college life, helping me prepare for the long-term. Regardless of your internship, this is an invaluable advantage to the WII.

Outside of work, life was great! Our weekly classes were involved and thought-provoking, and the life of the city was vibrant. There was always something to experience, which I would classify as my favorite part of living in DC. I felt as if I was always learning, even outside of work or school. To top it off, the food was GREAT! I would strongly recommend visiting the Wharf and area surrounding the Archives metro stop. The Wharf has terrific food and views, and Archives (which is right near the National Mall) has restaurants, history, and more!

The most beneficial piece of advice I can give to students coming into the program is to always say yes to a new experience or work opportunity. Go into DC knowing that your time there is short, so you can hit the ground running and enjoy every second you have.